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Q: Is basketball played all over the world?
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Related questions

What are some facts about basketball?

It's played with a ball on a basketball court.

Where was basketball first played and were is it played now?

James Naismith invented basketball in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts with baskets and a ball. It is currently played all over the world.

Is basketball a sport played all around the world?


Where abouts in the world do people play basketball?

most notably America although basketball is located all over the world

How many people have used a basketball?

basketball is played all around the world more than a million people play it :)

Where else in the world is softball played in?

Softball is played all over the world.

Which state is the worst at basketball?

New Hampshire I play AAU in new England and I've played players all over the world except Australia and every team or player I've ever played from there is terrible

Where and when was soccer played at?

all over the world

Compound predicate heather and casey played basketball and tennis all day?

Heather and Casey played basketball ad tennis all day. The compound predicate in the sentence is played basketball and tennis.

How has basketball influenced people all over the world?

It doesnt.It never has and never will.You stinkin retard.

Is ice-skating played overseas?

It is a sport played all over the world.

Where in the world is the sport gymnastics played?

it is played all over the world at the summer olimpices it is a major sport