that depends on the person. Adrian Peterson can run 100 yards at a record of 12. something seconds, and he is very fast
The original American football field was 70 yards wide, but that was long before the days of the NFL. The width of the NFL field has never changed, because the standard width of 53 1/3 yards was in place before the league came into existence.
The original football field was 140 yards long. It shrank in the late 19th century to 110 yards (where it remained in Canada), and then to 100 yards.
53 1/3 yards wide x 120 yards long.
It isn't 160 feet long. It is 120 yards long. It is 360 feet long. I don't know how you got that answer, but it is wrong. Sorry. I hope I could help you out.AnswerI assume you're referring to the width of the football field, which is indeed 160 feet (53 1/3 yards). I'll have to look around for an answer, but I'm sure I remember reading that the unusual width was a result of having to fit football playing fields inside the dimensions of baseball stadiums, so the playing area had to shrink (perhaps from the size of a Canadian football field) to accommodate.
Cristiano Ronaldo began his professional career at Sporting Lisbon in 2001. So as of 2012, he has been playing football professionally for 11 years.
A Professional Field is 120 Yards long
a football field is 260 feet long. No, a football field is 360 feet long including the end zones.
He was footballer with 19 years professional experience from 1989-2008
the answer would be about 63 considering that each football "college" team is about 30 players long...
53 yards
the answer would be about 63 considering that each football "college" team is about 30 players long...
The original American football field was 70 yards wide, but that was long before the days of the NFL. The width of the NFL field has never changed, because the standard width of 53 1/3 yards was in place before the league came into existence.
An arena football field is 50 yards long.
American Football Field: Let's see, there are: One million micrometers in a meter. 100 yards in an American football field. 91.44 meters in 100 yards. So, an American football field would be 91440000 micrometers long. Did you really mean micrometers? Just to add to the previous (accurate) post.... Canadian Football Field A Canadian Football field is 100 metres long so 100,000,000 micrometers long. Football/Soccer Field If you are talking about Football as in what North American's call Soccer, then the field is anywhere from 90 to 120 metres long (according to FIFA). Thus it is anywhere from 90,000,000 to 120,000,000 micrometers long.
In American football, it is 100 yards long.
You should specify WHICH kind of football as this is an international forum.A British football field (Soccer) is 100 yards long.An NFL football field is 120 yards long.A CFL ( Canadian) football field is 150 yards long.An AFL (Australian ) football field has no fixed dimension and can be from 135 to 185 metres long, and is always oval shaped.
The field is 360 feet long and 160 feet wide. The end zones are 30 feet deep. The line used in PAT plays is two yards out from the goal line.