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73 mph

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Q: How fast does the average freshman division one pitcher throw a baseball?
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How fast should you pitch by your freshman year of high school?

average pitcher-70 mph; good pitcher-75 mph; stud-80+mph

What is the average weight and height of a MLB pitcher?

The average height of a Major League Baseball Player is 5'10".

What does era stand for on a baseball card?

ERA stands for a pitcher's earned run average.

What is a hurler in baseball what does ERA stand for?

A hurler is a slang term for a pitcher in baseball. ERA stands for Earned Run Average and is a statistic for pitchers that shows the number of 'earned' runs a pitcher allows for every nine innings. An earned run is a run that is scored without the help of an error or passed ball. One might think that the earned run average of a pitcher is similar to that of the batting average of a hitter.

What is a run average in baseball?

If it is a pitching stat then it is the average runs a pitcher allows in nine innings. If it is a hitting stat it is an average of how many runs a team scores per game.

What does OpBA stand for in a pitcher's box score - NY Times uses it?

OP generally stands for Opponent. BA, in baseball, stands for Batting Average. Thus, OpBA stands for Opponents Batting Average. The lower it is, the better (for the pitcher).

What does OpBA stand for in a pitcher's box score NY Times uses it?

OP generally stands for Opponent. BA, in Baseball, stands for Batting Average. Thus, OpBA stands for Opponents Batting Average. The lower it is, the better (for the pitcher).

In baseball do you want a low pitching era or higher?

If you are a baseball pitcher, you want a low era. ERA stands for earned run average, meaning how many runs were scored on you. You want low one because no pitcher wants people to score on them.

In baseball does the pitcher follow the instructions of the catcher?

No, in baseball the pitcher does not follow the instructions of the catcher.

How high is the pitcher's mound in college baseball?

What is the height of the pitcher's mound in college baseball

What position did Charlie Brown play on his baseball team?

Charlie Brown played pitcher on his baseball team.

Who catches the ball thrown by the pitcher in baseball?

The pitcher.