As religous ritual, where early civilizations linked athletic performance to divine worship.
There is no official sport that helped dance originate. Dance was invented on its own. More recent examples of dances are the Salsa, the Robot, and the Twists.
Ballet was not originated from a sport, but more of the dances the jesters did in the kingdom. Dancers usually dont show the whole back of their body because the kings would watch from the front and it was disrespectful and vulgar to show the backside.
In Italy.
st.mortiz switserland
Shooting became a sport when the NRA was formed in the 1800's
American basketball
There is no official sport that helped dance originate. Dance was invented on its own. More recent examples of dances are the Salsa, the Robot, and the Twists.
The sport of javelin originated at the ancient Olympics, but the sport came from a hunting technique
Horse racing
why was any sport invented? to have fun and compete. also see How did rugby originate?