4 laps of 400m (about 4 laps of 1/4 mile)
A chariot had only one driver. War chariots would have a fighter in the cart with the driver, but there was only one guy who handled the whip and reigns.
The had many chariot races there and it was also a mass entertainment spot too
there are 9 laps
9 laps
The chariot racers had to cover seven laps.
yoga type
you have to wait for the ref to drop a white cloth to start, many people died form such races. Laps were normally between 7-10, and take around 15 minutes to complete the race. Most chariot races had knives to free themselves if a chariot was to crash and they were to get tangled up.
it took them 500 laps to get around the posts that was equal to 5 1/2 miles
7.5 laps
20 laps
267 laps.