A chariot had only one driver. War chariots would have a fighter in the cart with the driver, but there was only one guy who handled the whip and reigns.
The chariot drivers wore tunics in the colors of their teams. The four main colors were the Blues, the Greens, the Whites and the Reds.
Yes they did. They found the chariot races very exciting.
Charioteers were the men who drove the racing chariots, or any chariot for that matter. In the case of ancient Rome, the charioteers could be likened to today's race car drivers.
Kapi Dhwaja (The Chariot With Monkey Lord, Hanumana on it's flag)
The two words are "chariot drivers."
The chariot drivers wore tunics in the colors of their teams. The four main colors were the Blues, the Greens, the Whites and the Reds.
Yes they did. They found the chariot races very exciting.
Bob won and got slave girl and loser died in a hole
Riders in the Chariot has 643 pages.
The Diamond Chariot has 720 pages.
Normally in a traditional chariot race its 4 people
The chariot racers had to cover seven laps.
4 people took part in chariot raceing
2 wheels
Under the dash on the drivers side check the 16 pin connecter mounted on a steel plate