The Montreal Canadiens won the Stanley Cup 5 times in the 1950s, in 53, 56, 57, 58, and 59,
24 Stanley cups so far.
Four. Two with the Canadiens (1986, 1993) and two with the Avalanche (1996, 2001).
6 - Vancouver Canucks, Edmonton Oilers, Calgary Flames, Toronto Maple Leafs, Ottawa Senators, and Montreal Canadiens
4: John Ross Roach, Toronto St. Patricks, 1924-25. George Hainsworth, Montreal Canadiens, 1932-33. Charlie Gardiner, Chicago Black Hawks, 1933-34. Bill Durnan, Montreal Canadiens, 1947-48. After 1950, no goalies were captain because it was banned.
The Montreal Canadiens (Correct Spelling) Have Won 24 stanley cups
9 1993 Patrick Roy, Montreal Canadiens 1986 Patrick Roy, Montreal Canadiens 1979 Bob Gainey, Montreal Canadiens 1978 Larry Robinson, Montreal Canadiens 1977Guy Lafleur, Montreal Canadiens 1973 Yvan Cournoyer, Montreal Canadiens 1971 Ken Dryden, Montreal Canadiens 1969 Serge Savard, Montreal Canadiens 1965 Jean Beliveau, Montreal Canadiens
No, the Montreal Canadiens have won the most Stanley Cups.
24. 23 won since the NHL was formed in 1917 and 1 in 1916.
Montreal has won the Stanley Cup 26 times.The Montreal Maroons have won it 2 times.The Montreal Canadiens have won it 24 times.
43 42 of which are Canadian and 1 Englishman
24 Stanley cups so far.