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Same as America. 20 minutes each period (3 periods). A total of 60 minutes of game.

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Q: How long is an ice hockey game in Canada?
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Related questions

The game of ice hockey was originated where?

The original game of ice hockey was originated in Canada. It is currently most popular in North America but it was originated in Canada which is north of the border.

Why is Canada better at Ice Hockey than the US?

Because in Canada, hockey is our home game but the us, they have a lot of sports

The most famous sport in canada?

One famous sport that is played in Canada is ice hockey. Ice hockey is believed to have first been played in Canada in the 1830s. Another Canadian sport is curling.

Which country is ice hockey from?

Ice hockey originated in Ontario, Canada. It is best known as Canada's game! Actually, while the game as we know it did originate in Canada, whether it was in Nova Scotia, Quebec or Ontario is open to great debate!!

How old do you have to be to play ice hockey?

It is unknown. Hockey has been claimed to be founded in so many different time periods, that it is impossible to know how old it is.

Which sport that Canada good at?

Canada is known for being a great hockey nation.

In Canada what is a special game they play?

Lacrosse is the official sport of Canada. Ice Hockey is the official winter sport of Canada

What was the original name for ice hockey?

It was originally called "shinny on ice," because it was similar to a British game that was a cross between lacrosse and rugby. The original name for hockey was "ice hurley". Then gradually turned into ice hockey.

Can you only play ice hockey in Canada?

NO? you can play hockey any where there is ice

How does hockey represent being Canadian?

Canadians invented ice hockey because of canada's long winter canadians made a sport out of it

Is there ice hockey in Vancouver 2010 the game?

yes there was as of march 1st. canada won, by the way. US vs. Canada

Why is ice hockey such a big part in Canada's culture?

All canadians voted for ice hockey to be the canadian national sport