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Hold the ball like a 4 seam fast ball but with only 3 fingers. hold it very gently.

When you come to the point in your release where you are about to throw, your hand should be cocked down like a cheesy kung-fu fighter. Then, snap your wrist up and the ball will flip out of your fingers and just loop into the strike zone.

With practice you'll get it perfect. If you're having trouble with the flip, just practice lobbing a ball into the strike zone and slowly work into the flip.

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Q: How do you throw an eephus pitch?
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Who was the first person to throw an eephus pitch?

Rip Sewell is credited with inventing the eephus pitch.

What is an Eephous pitch?

An "eephus" pitch is a low velocity throw with a high arc, designed to trick the batter by disrupting his timing. Although the origin of the name "eephus" isn't definitively know it's suspected that it may be based on the Hebrew word "efes" meaning "nothing".

What is the eephus pitch?

When I caught in highschool it was used as a brutally slow change up. Sometimes the pitcher would throw it 10 feet in the air in a huge arc. Very demeaning to the batter. See Web Links for Video of the eephus pitch in action, Cleveland vs. New York, July 24, 1970.

How do you grip the eephus pitch?

eephus pitchlookin to be a good pitcher?...............well this is agood pitch grab a ball ......ok now pick up the ball like a change up when you throw lob it a bit and watch it strike out the batter There is a certain way you need to hold an eephus. You need to grab a baseball. The two seams you would hold to throw a two seamed fastball need to be side to side instead of up and down. Then you hold the bottom seam with your thumb and index finger. Then you throw it as a normal fastball and as you throw it the ball will fly out of your hand with the rotation going forward. Then as the ball gets closer it just tumbles down a good 5 feet. I learned to throw this from my pitching coach who played 4 years D2 ball.

Who throws a eephus pitch?

Rip Sewell made it famous, Bob Tewksbury and Kaz Tadano are the only recent players I can think of who threw one, although Dave LaRoche threw a "LaLob" which was comparable.

Why does baseball have an over throw pitch and softball have an under throw pitch?

Because a softball is heavier then a baseball.

What is it called when you throw a slow pitch?

A changeup pitch is a slow pitch thrown to look like a fastball.

What is to throw a baseball to a batter called?

A Pitch

What is the meaning of underarm throw in softball?

An underarm throw in softball is basically a pitch. If you watch a fast pitch softball team, you will see that the pitcher pitches underhand.

What is the antonym to catch?

An antonym of catch is pitch or throw.

What are the synonoms for throw?

Toss or pitch would be a couple.

What affects a soccer ball when you throw it?

The speed you throw it at, wind, if you have put spin on the ball, the direction you throw it, the grip you had on it, rain, your height, your strength, your skill, the pitch if it lands directly on it and the players on the pitch that you are throwing it towards or who may intercept it.