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Start playing hockey at a very young age. In Minnesota, you can play on your local team and for your high school. If you live elsewhere, you need to start playing AAA hockey at a young age, preferably in Detroit. Around the age of 17, you need to be playing Junior A in a quality league, such as the NAHL, USHL, OHL, etc. You need to practice at home as well.

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Q: How do you get a hockey scolership?
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What is open hockey?

open hockey is basikly hockey

What games are like hockey?

Field hockey and underwater hockey are the closest.

Which on average has more injuries accidents etc ice hockey or street hockey?

Ice hockey

French versinon of hockey?

We say Hockey sur glace (Pronounce Hockey like Okay)

What does le hockey sur gazon mean?

le hockey sur gazon is lawn hockey

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Qualifications for a women's basketball player?

to try to complete the games and win a scolership.

How do you get a scolership to the university of Texas?

learning to spell scholarship couldn't hurt your chances

Fourth STD scholarship result?

7thstanderd scolership result

What game the puck is used?

a puck

What re the type of job do a person needed to become a soccer player?

First, go back to school and learn how to spell. And if your good, and in high school you'll get a scolership once they see your potential

What do you call hockey that is not played on the ice?

Hockey Just hockey Hockey on ice is called ice hockey

How do you say hockey in French?

le hockey, le hockey sur glace (ice hockey), le hockey sur gazon (lawn hockey)

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What is turf hockey?

Turf hockey is field hockey.

What is open hockey?

open hockey is basikly hockey

What are the kinds of hockey?

The most common types of hockey are ice hockey, field hockey, floor hockey, and street hockey. With the exception of field hockey, all of these types of hockey generally follow the same rules.

How do you play non-ice hockey?

you can play floor hockey, roller hockey, or field hockey