No the French revolution was 1789. The rules of Association Football were not formulated until 1863.
No, but Abner Doubleday who invented baseball's rules was stationed there as a union officer.
Trouver is to find.
He was a leader during the Haitian Revolution. If I have my facts correct he and Jean-Jacques Dessalines basically saved Haiti from a life of French rules. He was captured by the French and thrown in a dungeon. He died at the age 60.
A pretty vague question. Organized baseball usually refers to an agreed upon league of teams that play each other over the course of a year or season. You can organize a single game like an old timers game, a tournament of games or an entire season. There are agreed upon rules and usually a rule book, a schedule, impartial umpires, ground rules and even specific rules for mercy such as in little league and Knothole baseball. Unorganized baseball is referred to as sandlot baseball where there are no set rules, no umpires, there doesn't even have to be 9 players on each team.
Go on line to and search for rules, or google baseball rules.
Entering "baseball rules" into Google will work. The top two hits are , the official Major League Baseball site, and at the Baseball Almanac site.
a home run is translated 'circuit' or 'coup de circuit' in Canadian French. In France the game is unknown and the few French who know about baseball rules would probably use the American terms like 'home run'.
This is how you say following the rules in French: suivant les règles
"WikiAnswers rules" in French is "Réponses Wiki règles."
Yes The normal rules of tennis.
no you have to follow the rules.
Softball isn't a french sport so it doen't really have a word. Literaly, softball is balle molleAnswer :Softball is called Softball in French, but Pommedapi1998 is right, very few knows Softball in France.
don't cheat and that's all the rules
Crosby SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ovechkin RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
many baseball rules have changed over the years. this includes new rules such as no steroids in baseball and rule changes (atone time it was 7 ball for a walk not 4)