Softball isn't a french sport so it doen't really have a word. Literaly, softball is balle molle
Answer :
Softball is called Softball in French, but Pommedapi1998 is right, very few knows Softball in France.
Baseball rules are obscure for French people. I think people would call it the home base. The place where the batter stands is called 'le marbre' according to the French Federation website.
"un joueur de baseball"
how to say bat in french
You also say "baseball" in French.
The best player is "le meilleur joueur" in French.
'jouer au baseball'
It is 'Il joue au baseball.'
pêcheur, (marin-pêcheur if he is a professional going on sea)
My favorite baseball player is Joey Gallo
Je n'aime pas le baseball.
in french way to say cat is chat
The best player in baseball I'd say is Babe Ruth.
assister à un match de baseball