Yes, in AUG 6th, 1986, the Rangers and the Orioles did it.
Edgar Renteria
Any team that had an opposing pitcher throw a perfect game or no hitter
There have been 255 Major League players that have hit for the Cycle in a game, there were 122 players in the American League that have accomplished the feat and 133 players in the National League that have accomplished the feat howevver the Miami Marlins and the San Diego Padres have not had any players hit for the Cycle.
Fred Lynn hit the first Grand Slam in an All-Star Game in 1983, which was played at Comiskey Park on the 50th Anniversary of the first Home Run to be hit in an All-Star Game. That was hit by Babe Ruth and was also hit at Comiskey Park in 1933, the first All-Star Game in history.
Yes it can hit durning any game
game: hit b when on cheat list for any game code: hit add new code
I believe the feet are not allowed, but all other body parts are fair game. <different person> I actually think you can play with all body parts and also the feet :)
A lot of teams have won a game with one hit. Five teams since 1900 have won a game with no hits.
Anytime you hit someone in the body (above the waist and below the neck
just hit bop it they want u to hit bop it with watever body part they name
big hit footy
yes. Cute. Any specific information to support your answer?
No, this isn't possible. If the first batter gets a hit, the game can't be a no-hitter.
A walk-off hit is a hit that ends the game (and allows everybody to walk off the field). Thus it is a hit that scores the winning run for the home team in the bottom of the ninth, or in the bottom of an extra inning.
No, he never hit any HRs in an all star game nor a grand slam.
Zapdos does not learn a 1-hit K.O. move leveling up in any Pokemon game.