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I believe the feet are not allowed, but all other body parts are fair game.

<different person> I actually think you can play with all body parts and also the feet :)

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Q: In playing volleyball if the ball hit any of your body parts is it allowed?
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Related questions

What body parts are not allowed to be used in volleyball?

arms, head, body and knees....but the players cannot use their feet

How many times are you allowed to hit the ball on your side before it has to go to the other team when playing volleyball?

Three times.

When ball out on playing volleyball?

The answer is out of line

Why is volleyball called volleyball?

Volley means to keep something off the ground. In volleyball the ball is not allowed to touch the ground. So essentially volleyball "keep the ball off the ground". I hope this helped. :)

Why volleyball called volleyball?

Volley means to keep something off the ground. In volleyball the ball is not allowed to touch the ground. So essentially volleyball "keep the ball off the ground". I hope this helped. :)

Where do you serve the ball from playing volley ball?

From outside the volleyball field markings parallel to the volleyball net on your own side.

How many hits are allowed per side during a volleyball game?

Only 3 hits are allowed in Volleyball before returning the ball back to the opponents' court.

Can you play professional volleyball?

there isn't a professional volleyball league but there's always the Olympics or beach volleyball you can play. there is also the option of playing club or travel ball.

What are 2 things players in Volleyball are not allowed to do on a serve?

You are not allowed to cross the end line before the ball leaves your hand. Also, you're not allowed to catch the ball if you make a bad toss. You have to let it drop before the ref issues you a redo.

How many hits are you allowed maximum in volleyball before your team loses the ball?

Your team can hit the volleyball three times before it goes over the net.

Why is softball confused with volleyball?

In volleyball, volleyball is a soft ball. Same thing with softball. That's why people confuse softball with volleyball. Also, the guy who is answering your question sees girls playing volleyball when I hear the term "softball."

How are volleyball and basketball alike?

volleyball and basketball are different in many ways. in volleyball, you have to keep the ball from hitting the ground. however in basketball, you have to kepp dribbling the ball. in volleyball, you usually stand in one place, but in basketball you continually move going after the ball..etc.