Yes, but they usually sat up at the back, so 1) they were not traumatized and 2) so that they did not fall in love with the charioteers (like in the Flavian Amphitheatre).
Yes, women were allowed to attend chariot races in ancient Rome. However, it is believed that they generally sat apart from men in designated areas, such as the upper level of the stadium. Women of higher social status could enjoy the races from private boxes.
The Circus Maximus was Rome's main race track. You would see horse races and chariot races. Circus was the Latin word for race track.
your to weak
In Rome the chariot races were held mainly in the Circus Maximus. There was also the Circus Flaminius for races. A clue is the word "circus", which means racecourse. Any Roman structure with the word "circus" in its name, would be a racecourse.
The chariot was developed from 1700BCE to 500BCE. The oldest chariots have been found in the Ural Mountains. The parts of development of the chariot was the horse, the wheel, and the use of the bow. It is not clear why humans invented the chariot before riding the horse. The bow was invented around the second millennium BCE. The first reference to charioteers in the civilized world is from Syria around 1800BCE. The Hittites established their first kingdom with the help of chariots in 1700BCE, the Hurrians used it to penetrate the Middle East, and the Hyskos in 1650BCE. So, as you can see they did not invent the chariot, but were somewhat late to the party.
They went to the amphitheatre, which was the arena for the gladiatorial games, and the circus, the chariot racing track.
In ancient Greece, the Hippodrome was a great place to see a chariot race.
The Circus Maximus was Rome's main race track. You would see horse races and chariot races. Circus was the Latin word for race track.
I'll see you at the chariot races! I am upgrading to a two-horse chariot.
Although we do not actually know when Roman Chariot Racing started we believe it was Circa. 45 BC174bce
that is not true
Everyone went to see the chariot races. Chariot races and the gladiatorial games were the most popular forms of entertainment. The Circus Maximus, the chariot racing track, could host 150,000 spectators.
Horse / Chariot racing.
Because they wanted to see people die
a broken mountain and holy man
a broken mountain and holy man
Some do, some don't. No one answer.
Eric Liddell (See the movie "Chariot's of Fire" )