It is not, and only but a matter of opinion. Regardless of how many follow a sport, it does not equate it being "better" than another except in the minds of individuals with opinions.
yes all NFL football fields are the same 110 yards long.
The goals are precisely as wide as football goals. They are football goals.
Rugby balls are similar to a football in shape, but are slightly wider and bigger.
yes the college one in wider
A sound is a body of water between two pieces of land, and is wider than a strait. A sound is also wider than a channel.
Which South American country is over 2000 miles but never a wider than 50 miles
Interest groups focus on a specific policy where as political parties have a wider spectrum on their political agenda.
60 yards x 40 yards
A lacrosse field is wider by a yard or so and shorter by 10 or so yards.
Their main sport is cricket. Cricket is almost like baseball but the bat is a bit wider. They also have leagues for soccer but they are not that big.
Media coverage has affected the game of football by slowing the game down with commercials and advertisements.