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No he has played fo only 3 teams, the Mariners, Rangers, and now the Yankees. BTW he took roids. All im saying...

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Q: Did Alex Rodriguez play for the Red Sox when they won the World Series?
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Who influenced Alex Rodriguez to play baseball?

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What team does alex Rodriguez play for in 2009?

The Yankees......IDIOTS!

What sport does Alex Rodriguez play?

Major League Baseball.

Is Alex Rodriguez the best shortstop ever?

no he is not derek jeter is alex doesnt even play shortstop

Did alex rodriquez play for the New York Yankees in the 2009 world series?

Yes he did.

How many seasons did Alex Rodriguez play?

Alex Rodriguez made the All Star team 12 times from 1996-2008 with the exception of 1999

How much was Alex Rodriguez paid in 2008 for playing baseball?

Alex Rodriguez was paid $28 mil to play third base for the New York Yankees in the 2008 season

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Did Alex Rodriguez play second base for the New York Yankees?

No, 3rd only!

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Alex Rodriguez.... Just kidding, there is no known women to ever play in the MLB

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