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Q: Can a pitcher feint to throw to first?
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Who was the first pitcher to throw 90mph?

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Who was a first pitcher to throw a curve?

bobby carr

Can you fake a throw to first base?

Yes. But he has to be careful not to balk.

Does a pitcher have to throw to first base on a jump pivot?


Who was the first Colorado pitcher to throw a no hitter?

Through the 2008 season, no Rockies pitcher has thrown a no-hitter.

Who was the first pitcher to throw a curve?

Knuckleball Schwartz of the Washington Senators.

Is it faint of heart or feint of heart?

It is faint of heart not feint.

Can a pitcher bluff a throw to first base with a man on first?

Yes, but he must first make a bluff to a runner on third--then bluff or throw to first.

Who are the players who throw the ball to batters?

This is the pitcher

What is the homophone of feint?

The homophone of "feint" is "faint."

Pitcher fields ball on the 1st baseline runner runs into pitcher - pitcher throws ball to first is the runner safe or out?

The runner is probably out for interference by running into a fielder, if not, he is out if the throw to first beat the runner and the first baseman, or whom ever is covering first, had his foot on the bag when he received the ball.

How far does a pitcher throw?

in mlb