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first of all elbow under the ball feet shoulder width apart shooting foot slightly in fort of other foot eyes on the rim follow through with a snap of the rist and hold your follow throgh

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Q: Basketball shooting form
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What college basketball player has the best shooting form?

harrison barnes

What is the best way to work on your shooting form in basketball?

work hard!!!!!!!!

Shooting in basketball?

Shooting in basketball requires your form to be correct, Put the ball in your shooting hand make sure your body is square to the basket, and put your feet shoulder width apart, and also put your elbow in towards your body.Throwing the ball at the opponents net

Why is shooting a basketball below the waist a lower success rate?

It is not the right form and is more difficult. Making it have a lower success rate.

Why do some NBA players wear those covers socks or whatever their called on one of their arms?

Those are actually called "shooting sleeves" and basketball players wear them to help maintain their shooting form.

Is it bad to practice shooting on a lower basketball hoop?

yes it throws of you shot but the repetion of shooting in the same motion over an over again will help your shot basicly form is what you want to practice not distance or height

Why do people put their nonshooting hand on their chest when they shoot with one hand?

Placing the nonshooting hand on the chest helps to add stability and balance while shooting with one hand. It also serves as a reference point to ensure consistent shooting form and alignment. This technique is commonly used in basketball to improve shooting accuracy.

How do you gain muscle memory?

By doing something over and over again. A good example is a basketball player's shot. After years of practice, games, ect., their shooting form becomes muscle memory.

Do shooting sleeves improve your shooting?

yes , because shooting sleeves keep your mucles warm and helps you with your form

Does the Nike pro combat shooting sleeve mess with your basketball shot?

No it actually helps your form somewhat by keeping your arm held high when you shoot,also the pad is REALLY good and it doesnt hurt your elbow at all if you fall.

What is the full form of btv?

Basketball TV

What is the full form of ISSF?

International Shooting Sport Federation