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work hard!!!!!!!!

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Q: What is the best way to work on your shooting form in basketball?
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Related questions

What are some tips for improving your basketball skills?

watch basketball on your tv. do some easy drills. get ahoop and shoot.

How do I practice for basketball tryouts?

work on endurance shooting, and try playing with some friends to practice

What encourages Gene to consider enlisting to the army?

Basketball keeps you in shape by shooting. When you shoot it work out your legs and arms.

How do you increase your basketball shooting range?

you work out your arms which are biceps, triceps, and your legs and if you keep practicing shooting from three point range you will become a better three point shooter.

How can you be a alaround better basketball player?

Just work on doing everything. Focus on shooting, defense and good off-ball movement.

Where can i get a job that can work around my basketball schedule?

A fast food or other restaurant is probably the best place to get a job that can work around your basketball schedule.

When do bowsights work best?

Bow sights work best in well-lit conditions with good visibility. They are most effective when used in combination with proper shooting form and technique. Additionally, bow sights are especially helpful for improving accuracy and consistency at longer distances.

What kind of shoes do they use now to play basketball and why?

It depends how hard you like to try. Im sure that regular sneakers would work just fine. However, I have heard basketball shoes work the best.

How did Michael Jordan want people to remember him?

Michael Jordon wanted to be remembered as a basketball star, he wanted to send the message out to people to follow their dreams, and perhaps, if you work hard enough, you may accomplish them like him.

Where do professional basketball players work?

Professional basketball players "work" in there training camps. Which are located separately from the location of the arena they play basketball in.

What are the working conditions in the NBA?

They play basketball in a basketball court for your information.

Does a basketball player work on holidays?

The best in the world "Work" 365 Days a year. As they are premium level athletes they will workout each and every day if nothing else.