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Yes , but only for five days. You can't get any kind of liquid in your ear. (except for the ear drops that your doctor may prescribe for you)

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Q: If you have otitis externa should you stop swimming for a while?
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What are the typical symptoms for otitis?

Otitis Externa is commonly caused by a bacterial infection although occasionally it can be fungal. The most characteristic symptom is discomfort that is limited to the external auditory canal, while the most characteristic signs are erythema and swelling of the canal with variable discharge.

Why should you chew gum while swimming?

not while swimming, for diving, helps you concentrate

Malignant otitis externa?

DefinitionMalignant otitis externa is a disorder involving inflammation and damage of the bones and cartilage at the base of the skull.Alternative NamesOsteomyelitis of the skull; Otitis externa - malignantCauses, incidence, and risk factorsMalignant otitis externa is caused by the spread of an outer ear infection (otitis externa, also called swimmer's ear). It is an uncommon complication of both acute swimmer's ear and chronic swimmer's ear.Risks for this condition include:ChemotherapyDiabetesWeakened immune systemExternal otitis is often caused by difficult-to-treat bacteria such as pseudomonas. The infection spreads from the floor of the ear canal to the nearby tissues and into the bones at the base of the skull. The infection and inflammation may damage or destroy the bones. The infection may spread more and affect the cranial nerves, brain, or other parts of the body.SymptomsDrainage from the ear - yellow, yellow-green, foul smelling, persistentEar pain - felt deep inside the ear and may get worse when moving headHearing lossItching of the ear or ear canalFeverSigns and testsA doctor will look into your ear for signs of an outer ear infection (otitis externa). The head around and behind the ear may be tender to touch. A nervous system (neurological) examination may show that the cranial nerves are affected.If there is any drainage, the doctor may send it to the lab for a culture. The purpose of the culture is to look for bacteria or fungi, usually the bacteria Pseudomonas.To look for signs of a bone infection next to the ear canal, the following tests may be performed:CT scan of the headMRI scan of the headRadionuclide scanTreatmentThe goal of treatment is to cure the infection. Treatment often lasts for several months, because it is difficult to treat the bacteria and reach an infection in bone tissue.Antibiotics that are effective against the microorganism are given for long periods of time. They may be given through a vein (intravenously), or by mouth. Antibiotics should be continued until scans or other tests show that inflammation has gone down.Occasionally, surgery to remove dead or damaged tissue (surgical debridement) in the skull is needed.Expectations (prognosis)Malignant otitis externa usually responds to long-term treatment, but it may return in the future.ComplicationsDamage to the cranial nerves, skull, or brainReturn of infection, even after treatmentSpread of infection to the brain or other parts of the bodyCalling your health care providerCall for an appointment with your health care provider if:You develop symptoms of malignant otitis externaSymptoms continue despite treatmentYou develop new symptomsGo to the emergency room or call the local emergency number (such as 911) if you have:ConvulsionsDecreased consciousnessSevere confusionPreventionTo prevent an external ear infection:Dry the ear thoroughly after it gets wet.Avoid swimming in polluted water.Protect the ear canal with cotton or lamb's wool while applying hair spray or hair dye (if you are prone to getting external ear infections).After swimming, place 1 or 2 drops of a mixture of 50% alcohol and 50% vinegar in each ear to help dry the ear and prevent infection.Treat acute otitis externa completely. Do not stop treatment sooner than your health care provider recommends. Following your doctor's plan completely will reduce the risk of malignant otitis externa.

What should you wear while swimming?

sun screen

What should you wear while swimming during menstrual cycle?

A tampon obviously

What do you use while swimming to protect your eyes?

goggles or a diving mask should do fine.

Should your pool filte be on when swimming?

yes running the filter while swimming helps the filtration process. Also if the pool is saltwater then the system will replace chlorine being used while bathing.

Do uv beads change in the sun but submerged in water?

While submerged in water? ie. Swimming outside Yes because while you are swimming you are still receiving some of the sun's rays, they should change.

What is the meaning of swimming out?

The clothing you would wear while swimming is the definition of swimming out.

How can you hide your toes while swimming?

You can wear water shoes to hide your toes while you are swimming.

What sport do you do on your back?

well you do swimming on your back while swimming backstroke

What is the percentage of body fat in the womens body while swimming?

Virtually exactly the same as when they are not swimming.