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not while swimming, for diving, helps you concentrate

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Q: Why should you chew gum while swimming?
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Related questions

Can you chew gum while fasting?

NO, You can't chew gum while fasting. As soon as you chew a gum while fasting your fast will break. But, if you're in fast for weight loss then if you think that gum helps you then you can go for it.

Will you not cry if you chew gum while cutting onions?

it is true that if you chew gum while cutting onions you will not cry

Should they ban gum from school?

who cares if its banned just chew it while there not looking, that's what i do

What is the best kind of gum to chew on a test?

Don't chew gum eat a peppermint! whoevea wrote this i think that you should chew peppermint gum for u information!

Is it okay to chew gum with a retainer?

Yes but be careful if you move your gum around while you chew because it can attach itself to your ring.

Is chewing gum addictive?

yes because you are moving your mouth and when i chew gum my gums hurt after a while

What is a train made from gum?

A train made from gum is a Chew Chew train get it a CHEW CHEW train.

How remove the smell of alcohol?

chew gum chew gum

5 reasons why you should not chew gum in school?

it is distracting

Why does it hurt your instrument to chew gum while playing?

Oh, dude, chewing gum while playing your instrument can mess with your embouchure, which is like the fancy word for how you use your mouth to play. It can make your jaw tense up and mess with your airflow, so yeah, it's like trying to play the trumpet with a mouthful of peanut butter. Not a good combo, man.

Should you chew gum at a job?

Depends on how & why you wanted to but profession wise i personally wouldn't but if you do chew it discreetly

Are you authorized to chew gum while in military uniform?

Yes you are aloud to chew sugar gum. BUT, not when you have braces or any orthodontic hardware in your mouth.