The amount of time that an athlete trains varies greatly from athlete to athlete. Some train for up to 30 years depending on the sport and some barely train at all
2 years
Well it all depends. Because if you are a good athelete then you don't have to train for so long
they train long and hard for many months to even years.
The Russian athletes train at training camp held by their Russian Sports Ministry.
Depends on what sport and how much they want to win. Most of them train around 3-4 hours a day, though.
one hour
they have prsonal trainers to train them
in their house
They give them as long as they want. If they want to arrive after the openning ceremony, they can but if the athletes miss their event it is not the IOC or host countries fault.
very hard
athletes would train there muscule for their legs and arms be stronger need to swim couple laps to be a stronger swimmer
train like hell