Depends on what sport and how much they want to win. Most of them train around 3-4 hours a day, though.
2 years
Well it all depends. Because if you are a good athelete then you don't have to train for so long
the athletes were an important part of greek culture to be an athlete in Greece you had to train about 8 hours a day.
they train long and hard for many months to even years.
the athletes were an important part of greek culture to be an athlete in Greece you had to train about 8 hours a day.
The Russian athletes train at training camp held by their Russian Sports Ministry.
one hour
they have prsonal trainers to train them
in their house
The amount of time that an athlete trains varies greatly from athlete to athlete. Some train for up to 30 years depending on the sport and some barely train at all
Elite level athletes train for apx. 6 hours a day. This number includes warmups, technical training, strength and conditioning, therapy, and probably film study. Elite level track and field athletes "train" for their event 24 hours/day through their nutrition and rest habits. Unless you do this, you will not reach your potential in your event.