Brooklyn Beckham (oldest son of David) is 19 years old (birthdate March 4, 1999).
he has him his wife and a 2 year old daughter and 3 sons
Victoria beckham is... 36.5 years old and was born on the 17th April 1974 David beckham is.... 36 years old and was born on the 2nd March 1975
David Beckham has four children: sons Brooklyn Joseph 12, Romeo James 8 and Cruz David 6 and a daughter, Harper Seven 15 days old
Andre Amati is often credited for having invented the violin in the early 1600â??s. Some historians dispute this; however, the Amati family is known for their association to music and instruments. David Beckham is much too contemporary to have been associated with the violin. Beckham still lives and is a celebrated professional soccer player globally.
how did david beckham become a footballer
I am not sure when he became famous but i do know that he started playing for Manchester United at the age of 17. I hope that helps :)
Brooklyn Beckham (oldest son of David) is 19 years old (birthdate March 4, 1999).
Best guess for David Beckham age is 36 years (May 2, 1975)
He will be 34 in 2009
36 2012
89 and 91
89 and 91
David Beckham was 14 years old when he started playing for Manchester United.
never he is crap at football and old