Brooklyn Beckham (oldest son of David) is 19 years old (birthdate March 4, 1999).
Brooklyn Joseph Beckham, Romeo James Beckham, and Cruz David Beckham.
David Beckham has four children: sons Brooklyn Joseph 12, Romeo James 8 and Cruz David 6 and a daughter, Harper Seven 15 days old
As at Febreuary 28, 2009, Victoria Beckham has three children, # Brooklyn Joseph Beckham, born 4 March 1999, # Romeo James Beckham, born 1 September 2002, and # Cruz David Beckham, born 20 February 2005.
Victoria beckham is... 36.5 years old and was born on the 17th April 1974 David beckham is.... 36 years old and was born on the 2nd March 1975
Brooklyn Beckham's birth name is Brooklyn Joseph Beckham.
Brooklyn Beckham goes by Buster.
Brooklyn Beckham (born March 4, 1999 in London) is the first son of English singer Victoria Beckham and her husband David.
he is called Brooklyn because that is where he was conceived.
Brooklyn Joseph Beckham, Romeo James Beckham, and Cruz David Beckham.
Brooklyn Joseph Beckham (the oldest of the three sons) was born on March 4, 1999.
At 15 years old, Brooklyn is currently a tall boy at a height of 5'9. He is almost as tall as his dad who is only 6 feet.
David Beckham has four children: sons Brooklyn Joseph 12, Romeo James 8 and Cruz David 6 and a daughter, Harper Seven 15 days old
David Beckham has 4 children
No not anymore :(
He has three sons: Brooklyn Joseph Beckham (born March 4, 1999) Romeo James Beckham (born September 1, 2002) Cruz David Beckham (born February 20, 2005)
Brooklyn Joseph Beckham is the oldest of the three sons, born March 4, 1999. His brothers are Romeo James Beckham (born September 1, 2002) Cruz David Beckham (born February 20, 2005)