some of the most well known, but not nescesarily the best are, Thomas Taylor, Oliver Lang, Josh Davey, Rocky Knuth, Corey Field.. there are many, Edmonton Impact have one of the best teams in the pro division. Vicious is another great one!
paintball fields or on their property.
You can find paintball fields by asking players, or looking for places with tourism brochures, as paintball fields often advertise in them.
im one of the best no joke......
Greg Hasting is one of them.
the only time you are usually paid to play paintball is if you win a tournament
Professional paintball players have no true salary. There are very few pro paintball players that don't need a second job to support themselves. They make most of their money from sponsorships and endorsements. edit: most work for there sponsor's.. and unless your ollie lang you wont make much money playing paintball.
The best thing to do would be to take him to an established paintball facility, where there are referees and older players.
You need lots of insurance and players to sign waivers.
There are millions of people who play paintball. Although there tends to be more male players than female.
Yes. Greg Hastings paintball has a multiplayer option. Not only in split screen, but in WLAN, and Online.
There aren't any (non military) training places for paintball. The best way to improve is to listen to older players and play as often as possible.
5 man paintball is a speed ball tournament configuration with 5 players on each side. Generally tournaments will announce the team size as 3, 5 man.