I do not believe BASE jumping should be banned in the same way that swimming should not be banned. Yes there are accidents and deaths, however this is the case for most sports. Statistically speaking horse riding is more dangerous than BASE in proportion to numbers participating.
no... your hung on a rope or string or something that holds you one of the sports that is illegal is BASE jumping.
BASE is an extreme sport that involves parachuting off tall objects. One of the dangers is hitting the ground before the parachute deploys. Also, BASE jumping is illegal in some countries and you may be jailed for a maximum of fifteen years.
This is the sport of jumping off fixed objects (i.e. parachuting but not from an aircraft or helicopter). BASE is an acronym for: Building Antenna Span (bridge) Earth (cliff) It is a highly risky sport although not illegal as perceived by many.
BASE jumping
Yes jumping to catch or block the ball, but jumping into the end zone is illegal.
Base Jumping is a type of dangerous activity in which a person jumps from a tall building or structure with a parachute. One of the best ways to start learning about base jumping is to watch videos of professional base jumpers. Additionally, an individual may read blogs about base jumping.
BASE jumping is not dangerous to the earth. The occasional branch of a tree may get damaged, but that is it.
BASE Jumping.
salto base
Not technically since most of the time it's illegal. I suggest sky diving, because it is much safer and last longer and is legal.
Saute de base
yes it is. this was a way to dodge the draft.