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Not technically since most of the time it's illegal.

I suggest sky diving, because it is much safer and last longer and is legal.

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Q: Is there an age limit on base jumping?
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How old do you have to be to go base jumping?

BASE jumping is an unregulated sport, and there is no age limit. You could even buy a rig on e-bay and teach yourself (you wouldn't be the first.) But that's not the smartest way to learn how, not a good way to stay alive in the sport. Best way is to get about 100 skydives on a large, 7-cell canopy, then take a course from a group like Apex BASE or Snake River BASE.

When will you start jumping in horseback riding?

Most people start jumping after they canter in a English saddle. There is no age limit, it is when you are ready to jump. You usually start small and work your way up with the right horse/pony.

What is the best way to start learning base jumping?

Base Jumping is a type of dangerous activity in which a person jumps from a tall building or structure with a parachute. One of the best ways to start learning about base jumping is to watch videos of professional base jumpers. Additionally, an individual may read blogs about base jumping.

How can base jumping affect the earth?

BASE jumping is not dangerous to the earth. The occasional branch of a tree may get damaged, but that is it.

What sports has an extremely high death rate base jumping rock climbing swimming or skydriving?

BASE Jumping.

How do you say base jumping in Spanish?

salto base

Is there a certain age limit to use bungee jumping equipment?

There isn't, however, if you are under the age of 18 you may have to have your parents sign a form. Sometimes your Insurance will also not cover it, but this is more common with skydiving.

What is the age limit for Americas got talent?

i think there is no age limit

Does show jumping have an age limit if your are going to start jumping as a career in your 20s?

Show jumping does not have an age limit, it does have age divisions, like 8 and under, 9-13, 14-18, etc. From 19 to about 50 or 55, everyone usually shows together, then there are some "seniors" classes (they may go by different names) for older people. I believe I have seen people in their 60s compete in the olympics. Equestrian events are the only sport I know of where men and women compete on equal footing, and, as adults, different ages compete on equal footing.

How old do you have to be to play in the English premier league?

There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.

What is base jumping called in french?

Saute de base

What is the age limit on driving ATVs?

Ther should be no age limit but there is an age limit of 16 at the monemt.