i would have to say it is the steeplechase...it is a 3000 meter race, in which you have clear 28 ordinary barriers, and 7 water jumps
Running with the bulls in Spain
The correct sentence is: Are you running in the race for life next week? are and running = verbs
a running race.
A Chariot race and a running race.
a very long running ace is a long race that is what they call it
The most well known Tour de France is a bicycle race, not a running race.
dogsled teams of 16 start out running in the race
You do a race by running the fastest or doing something the fastest.
To me is running,throwing the hardest is swimming and gymnasticts
Try your hardest at running and different sports.
It is the longest running professional spring running race in the world.
A beanbag race is a novelty race in which competitors must balance a beanbag on their heads while running.