

Best Answer

Best perfomance is all about your opinion, however there are measures you can do to keep it at that level. This includes, cleaning the bolt after every play. Cleaning the marker in general. Finally, replacing any old or slightly damaged parts quickly.

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Q: What is the best performance with a paintball marker?
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What are paintball markers?

A paintball marker is a paintball gun. It is just called a marker instead of a gun.

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Do you need any permits for a paintball marker in California?

The owning and operation of a paintball marker does not require any permits.

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What is a better paintball marker an electropnuematic marker or a mechanical one?

This is totally an opinion question. A mechanical marker is nice because there is no need for batterys and it is truly a bit of paintball history. Electronic markers are great because they are faster, allow more modes, and are the future of paintball.

What is the best paintball marker?

There comes a point in paintball markers, where you can only make so many improvements while meeting the standard of 300fps and a hopper feeding BPS limit. This occurs in the $1000 plus marker range, where the "Best" marker literally becomes a choice in how the marker feels in your hands (ergonomics and valve design). Some markers in this category are The Ego 10, Dm 10, the Luxe, macdev clone and Bob Long Victory. None of these markers have a significant advantage over each other, all are used in high division paintball tournaments, and all are on the leading edge of paintball technology.

What is a marker on a paintball gun?

Ok, considering the last person didn't give you a good answer, here's mine. The paintball "marker" is the proper term for the gun. It's called a marker because it "marks" what it shoots.

Is paintball guns illegal in willingboro NJ to have?

no, a paintball marker should not be illegal in any town to own, however some towns will not allow the discharge of a marker.

Do you need a paintball license if you want a paintball gun?

No there is no licence required to purchase/operate a paintball marker. In order to play you must be at least ten (at most places) and 18 to purchase a marker, balls, or CO2.

Are there any laws to have a paintball marker under 18?

No There is not