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Q: What are common injuries that people get from BASE jumping?
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Related questions

Number of people die from base jumping?

Search the internet for the BASE Fatality List.

How many people have died base jumping?

Check out the BASE Fatality List on the internet.

A sport for people who are not afraid of heights?

Base jumping, rock climbing, bungee jumping, parachuting, gliding, flying, abseiling, para gliding, mountain climbing.

What is the best way to start learning base jumping?

Base Jumping is a type of dangerous activity in which a person jumps from a tall building or structure with a parachute. One of the best ways to start learning about base jumping is to watch videos of professional base jumpers. Additionally, an individual may read blogs about base jumping.

How can base jumping affect the earth?

BASE jumping is not dangerous to the earth. The occasional branch of a tree may get damaged, but that is it.

What sports has an extremely high death rate base jumping rock climbing swimming or skydriving?

BASE Jumping.

How do you say base jumping in Spanish?

salto base

What is base jumping called in french?

Saute de base

How many people die from base jumping?

Since records have been kept (1981) 140 BASE jumpers have died in the sport. In the last three years, 13 or 14 jumpers have died per year. I've personally known one.

What is cheddar gorge base jumping?

Cheddar Gorge base jumping is just base jumping at Cheddar Gorge. Base jumping is a sport where someone jumps of a solid/fixed object that is high above the ground and pulls the string attatched to their parachute which is on their back, so they land safely on the ground. (Cheddar Gorge is a limestone gorge in Somerset.) hope this helped :)

What is the example of risk taking?

Base jumping.

What is the main reason for base jumping?

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