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Since records have been kept (1981) 140 BASE jumpers have died in the sport. In the last three years, 13 or 14 jumpers have died per year. I've personally known one.

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14y ago

In 2009 there were 15 BASE jumping fatalities, the highest annual total to date.

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lil thug

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3y ago

a lot of people

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Q: How many people die from base jumping?
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Number of people die from base jumping?

Search the internet for the BASE Fatality List.

How many people die from bungee jumping each year?

On average about twenty people in the UK die a year. The majority of these are people who do it for an averqage charity cause.

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It is estimated that there are around 125 suicides each year where people jump off of a United States bridge. Barriers have been added to prevent these suicides.

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More people die playing lawn bowls than any other sport. forget base jumping just kneeling over in this game can cause a severe heart attack. LOL But it is true :)

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