It's not as much a safety issue as it is a waste of paintballs. When it rains, humidity is much higher than usual. This high humidity, along with the water possibly entering your hopper leads to minor swelling and softening of the paintballs, which in turn leads to barrel-bursts and/or chopping. For the sake of your own frustration, rather don't... Keep it dry!
people who play paintball play because some of them want to be in the military or law enforcement or to experience paintball
paintball fields or on their property.
At paintball facilities, or their own property.
No, you must be 11 to play paintball in the US.
I don't know how many counties, but ove 100 countries play paintball.
Not everywhere, private property and paintball fields are fine. Often it is also ok to play on unincorporated county land however it is typically best to check with the local authorities first just to make sure.
i think so
Paintball is a predominately male sport. There are still many females that play.
the only time you are usually paid to play paintball is if you win a tournament
I'm guessing you're asking, "Where DO* people play paintball. You can play paintball anywhere from a public field to out in the woods behind your house. It can be played basically anywhere that you can find stuff to hide behind.
There is no record of any Incan sport of "paintball"
11 to play at fields, 18 to buy a paintball gun.