If you are playing at a high enough level, can afford to lose the money and are involved in a scenario where it would have a major effect (such as in bunkers or trenches) then it is a good consideration. If you don't meet at least 2 of those three points, probably not.
Paintball grenade launchers can be found online at Total Paintball Gear, Paintball Grenade, and Total Paintball Gear. They can also be found in sporting goods stores.
Paintball grenades are a great outdoor sports option. The most highly regarded paintball grenade brand would be Empire. Another good brand is Tippmann.
it really depends on what your buying i wouldn't advise buying any markers or upgrades except the rap4 rap5 and rap47 those are great markers) from them but there grenade launchers landmines and vests are really great
You need to be in game mode "pong" or go on a jump server.
No, it cannot. Two entirely different systems of operation.
Well this is an Opinion question so I think that is if you got one of the G&P's long version grenade launcher than you would be in hevan. But that is what I think but if you are going for an other type of grenade launcher get the long version so you can fire the Madbull XM204 super shower round.- Loads of fun !!!!
Only use proper air soft or paintball cartridges with launchers like that.
paintball grenade launchers aren't really grenades. They resemble something more like a shotgun. A cartridge is loaded with several small paintballs and then charged up from a separate air tank. So it contains it's own rounds and enough co2 for one shot. when you pull the trigger all the balls fire at once in a spread.
i would suggest airsplat.com. even though they sell more airsoft than paintball, it is still good.
Fire a grenade (ctrl+click) in the shooting range after buying the grenade launcher attachment (only for a few assault rifles)
Yes, You will need to buy a barrel with a barrel shroud with under rails first. Then you must purchase a grenade launcher from metadyne, Rap4, or another place that sells them. Then you must buy the correct caliber grenades, fill station and paint. Then you will have a working under-mount grenade launcher.
around 90 dollars.