it really depends on what your buying i wouldn't advise buying any markers or upgrades except the rap4 rap5 and rap47 those are great markers) from them but there grenade launchers landmines and vests are really great
The cheapest on rap4 is $1700+ dollars.
RAP4 sells paintball equipment. One can purchase paintball guns, target practice projectiles, tactical gear such as head or body gear, and tool kits and replacement parts for repairing any paintball equipment.
Yes. several Tiberius arms and Rap4 markers are magazine fed.
try im pretty sure they have a great self defense category to look through
yes, with the e-trigger you will able to shoot: semi, burst and full auto
yes, paint balls will swell and then dissolve in water in about three days. except for rap4 GOLF balls, which decompose under sunlight.
Although anything over 14 inches makes your marker less efficient, yes, it will fit.
They are usually overpriced, however they are some of the most realistic markers on the market. is a good paintball but for information is
Good at what? You cant tell how good at paintball you are if you've never played.
you're asking for the perfect gun, and it doesn't exist. There are Guns for 250 that are good and perform well: Azodin BLitz Pro slg Smart Parts Vibe SP1 And theres guns that "look real" or customizable for milsim: BT-4 Delta RAP4/PCS - US-5 AK47 RAP4/PCS US-5 M4 Carbine T68 Tactical Carbine There are none in both categories. Also all Tippman's are great for customization has all of them. Some feilds and army-navy's too. No sporting goods stores or walmarts will.