Paintball grenade launchers can be found online at Total Paintball Gear, Paintball Grenade, and Total Paintball Gear. They can also be found in sporting goods stores.
Well this is an Opinion question so I think that is if you got one of the G&P's long version grenade launcher than you would be in hevan. But that is what I think but if you are going for an other type of grenade launcher get the long version so you can fire the Madbull XM204 super shower round.- Loads of fun !!!!
its not a grenade it just looks like a grenade launcher. it just shoots one bullet at a time
By reading the official Army Study Guide, one could find information on the M203 grenade launcher. The U.S. Army Fact File also includes information on this particular launcher.
paintball grenade launchers aren't really grenades. They resemble something more like a shotgun. A cartridge is loaded with several small paintballs and then charged up from a separate air tank. So it contains it's own rounds and enough co2 for one shot. when you pull the trigger all the balls fire at once in a spread.
You have to get grenade launcher headshots, it will kill the juggernauts in one shot if you hit them to the head. So you have to get really good at aiming the grenade launcher rounds.
Well, it is a 40 mm grenade launcher if you mean the real rifle and the M203 launcher- but there is NO ONE BEST. The M16 is a good rifle- but it will not be a 1000 meter rifle. And it may not be the rifle of choice in close quarters, or where greater penetration is needed.
Since there is no one grenade laucher, there is no one cost. Rifle grenade launchers used in WW II were only a few dollars. Current launchers such as the M79 and M203 would be $250 to $950 USD. However, to be owned by a civilian, they must be registered with the Federal govt, and a $200 tax paid on each one- and on each grenade. There is also an airsoft grenade launcher and they are different prices also.
If the smoke grenade operates on impact, then yes. However, it is a bad tactical idea, because if you have the desire to use a smoke grenade, then you are in the situation where you have enough time to pull one out.
A grenade launcher is considered a "destructive device," which can be legally owned by civilians in the US. However, one must first pass an appropriate background check, fill out the appropriate paperwork, and pay the appropriate fees. The entire process is tedious and expensive.
The M4 3181 AEG electric rifle with M203 spring grenade launcher typically has a magazine capacity of around 300 rounds.
One can purchase a paintball minigun when one goes to the website of eBay. Price for a new one is around $325. Price of a used one is, of course, cheaper.