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The cheapest on rap4 is $1700+ dollars.

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Q: How much does a paintball course cost?
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How much do paintball leagues cost?

Anywhere from a few to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

How much does a delta elite paintball gun cost at walmart?

$330 american.

How much does a maurader paintball marker cost?

slightly less than $30.

How much does it cost to borrow a paintball gun and safety equipment for a day?

It depends on who you are borrowing it from.

What is a paintball place called?

Sometimes paintball is know as a specific type of game, such as woodsball or speedball.

How much does it cost if you don't have any equipment to play paintball at velocity?

$40-50 dollars

Should I go from full time airsoft to part time with Paintball?

If it is a matter of cost, you have to weight how much fun you have with paintball vs how much more it costs, and if you have the time to play either. If it is not, you should play both.

How much would an angel paintball gun cost?

They run usually in the 400-1000 USD range.

How much do paintball bunkers cost?

It varies but a whole field can cost you up to 2grand or more, and say on average $1200 in American Dollars

How much investment needed for opening paintball club?

Well if its a club not much you just need people who want to join who have or are planning to buy paintball guns, a place to meet, and if you want you can find a nearby course or make your own.

How much does a rxs paintball gun cost?

The RSX is no longer made therefore you cannot buy one new.

How much does the T68 paintball tactical sniper cost?

There are many T68 "sniper" models. most of them are 500+ dollars.