Firstly check if your tank still has pressure. Secondly if it uses batteries, check that they are full. If that does not work, completely disassemble and clean and re-lubricate your gun. Then take it to a shop if this continues.
beginner.... spyder, kingman once you get advanced more like an angel or dye
I've seen them for $18 or $19 on the Wolfpack Paintball Team site thing.
you mean Spyder, Spyder (owned by Kingman) is a company that produces stacked tube blowback markers (entry level and a very prooven design) they are a good and reputable company
Kingman Spyder.
You can purchase a Spyder Paintball gun directly from the Spyder Paintball website. There are also options for new or used Paintball guns on eBay. There is a wide variety to choose from.
No, spyder is an entry level company.
Disassemble the gun, and replace the back cap with the stock or take it to a paintball store, and ask them to.
.68 caliber. the paintball standard.
A paintball gun
as long as it is spyder threaded yes
The Spyder Pack has a velcro belt.
The Spyder MR1 is a paintball weapon. The MR1 has a purchase price of $90 and is manufactured by the Kingman Group. The MR1 is considered a semi automatic weapon and the E-MR1 has a firing rate of 15 bps.