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Well, inless you are a sponsored pro, then usually nothing. You may aquire free markers and other equipment from a small sponsorship, but usuall, the only money you make is when you turn pro and you start winning comps.-Shocker

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

You won't be making a regular salary just money from prizes which aren't usually that big unless you make it to major tournaments like the PSP Tournament. The biggest prize I ever won was $100,000 but we had to split it between 5 people. So around 20 k each for a major tournament.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

it depends. Its not like any other sport and you get paid no matter what. you can only get paid if you win.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

depends on how good you and your team is, if your not doing so well, your wasting your money on paint and tournament admission fee.

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Q: How much money can you get from playing paintball?
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How much money do you get if you have a paintball career?

22k a year

What is the salary of a pro paintball player?

Professional paintball players have no true salary. There are very few pro paintball players that don't need a second job to support themselves. They make most of their money from sponsorships and endorsements. edit: most work for there sponsor's.. and unless your ollie lang you wont make much money playing paintball.

How much money does a paintball co make in a year per field?

depends on the field but typically, not much

Do you get bruises playing paintball?

Yes, you will get a welt playing

Do you get money from paint ball?

If you play professinal paintball and get sponsored then yes. Otherwise there is not a way to make money from paintball.

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What is the age range for people playing paintball?

8 years old (Mini Paintball) and up.

How can you upgrade your paintball gun at home without spending too much or any money?

You can't significantly.

How much money is an Angel 05 Speed paintball marker worth?

Roughly $2-300 depending on the condition

How do you take a psi tank off a paintball gun?

You shouldn't be playing paintball if you can't figure this out on your own. Alright?

Is a Proto SLG a good paintball gun?

its a decent marker but a horrible value, for the money you can do much better in todays market

How much money would a Morgan Stanley worker get off a smart parts paintball gun?

about the same as anyone else.