She was not emotionally stable and committed suicide by jumping off a 10 story building
Land on something soft like a matress or water
The Jumping-Off Place was created in 1929.
That means literally jumping off a ship.
Cliff jumping.
I think they have a ramp, and they push off. Then they spin or something. I've never really followed ski jumping.
If your actions (or lack of them) were instrumental in whatever it was that happened, yes.
Yes, cats can break their legs by jumping from great heights. The impact and force upon landing can cause severe injuries, including broken bones. It's important to keep cats safe from high places to prevent such accidents.
stress put on the bone, suddon stop (as in jumping off something), many things. impropper bending of the bone.
Yes, the phrase "leaves are jumping off trees" could be considered a metaphor if used to describe leaves falling from trees in a way that personifies the leaves as actively leaping or jumping. Metaphors use one object or idea to represent another, in this case, using the image of jumping leaves symbolically to describe their movement.
He tried jumping off a cliff and starving himself and something else I think.
Most accidents occur on take-off.