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if they fall and hit their heads on a rock

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Q: What are common reasons people die bungee jumping?
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zip lining,fishing, cliff jumping, bungee jumping and more

Why people are interested in bungee jumping?

For the adrenaline rush and the excitement - which is why fairground rides are so popular.

When is the royal gorge bungee jumping open Also what's the cost per jump?

The Royal Gorge does not allow bungee jumping. In the past, people could do it only during the Go Fast games, but there are none scheduled at this time.

A sport for people who are not afraid of heights?

Base jumping, rock climbing, bungee jumping, parachuting, gliding, flying, abseiling, para gliding, mountain climbing.

How many injuries occur in during bungee jumping?

Bungee jumping is an extreme sport, and like any other high-risk activity, there is always a risk of injury or death. However, bungee jumping has become a safer activity in recent years with better equipment and safety standards. According to a study published in the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery in 2018, there were 17 documented deaths related to bungee jumping between 1986 and 2015. This study also found that the annual fatality rate for bungee jumping was 1 in 500,000 jumps, which makes bungee jumping relatively safe compared to other extreme sports. However, it is essential to note that these statistics may not include all the unregulated and non-commercial bungee jumps that occur worldwide. Therefore, if someone is considering bungee jumping, they should make sure that the operator is certified and reputable and follows established safety protocols to minimize the risks of injury or death.

How many people have died bungee jumping?

27 total fatalities have been reported

Name an extreme sport that many people would try?

skydiving, bungee jumping, snowboarding, skiing, rock climbing

Where can you bungee jump on Cape Cod?

USA has many Bungee Jumping Locations .Here is a website listing various places of US for Bungee Jumping :-

Where do you do bungee jumping?

All over the world in most tourist destinations and/or major cities. People can bungee jump from buildings, bridges, gondolas and even moving objects like helicopters and hot air balloons.

Why go head first in bungee jumping?

When bungee jumping, people go head first because the bungee cord is attached to their feet, and if they reamined in an upright position until they reached the end of the cord, it would flip them upside down with a very large amount of force. This would create a painful whiplash and greatly increase the risk of injury to the jumper, especially in to their spine.