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Tippmann first started out making half scale replica machine guns. In 1986 Tippmann began manufacturing semi and fully automatic paintball markers.

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Q: How did tippmann start making paintball guns?
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Are pcs paintball guns good?

No. They are all Tippmann clones without the Tippmann durability.

What kind of paintball guns are good for d-day Oklahoma?

Tippmann A-5. Tippmann 98. Tippmann X-7. Tippmann Tippmann Tippmann. Reliable and Upgradable.

What is a Tippmann x7 used for?

The Tippmann x7 is a paintball gun that is used for the game or sport of paintball. It is considered one of the most popular guns for paintball and has received an overall rating of 5 out of 5 stars.

Where can one purchase Tippmann paintball guns?

There are many places online in which you can purchase a Tippmann paintball gun. You can go to websites like eBay or Amazon where you should be able to find one.

Can all tippmann hoppers fit all tippmann paintball guns?

No. Hoppers meant for the cyclone feed will only fit the cyclone feed.

Are BT paintball guns made by tippmann?

No, they aren't... They are made by the company "Battle Tested" (not Ben Tippmann). However the Tippmann 98 and BT 4 are nearly internally identical.

What is 3skull on a paintball gun?

3skull is a company that makes aftermarket parts for tippmann, spyder and smart parts guns.

What are the only paintball guns that are both sniper and infantry rifle?

As far as i know there is no markers specified for sniping in paintball. That's sorta reserved for airsoft. But a Tippmann marker with a flatline (X-7 or A-5 preferably) should do the trick. The flatlines put backspin on the balls as they go out increasing the range, and Tippmann is the only company that makes them and they only fit on there guns.

What is the strongest brand of paintball gun?

Tippmann has the reputation for most durable guns. This is because they are made with very simple mechanics and thick cast aluminium.

Are Dick's Sporting Goods paintball guns good?

No. They are not really paintball gun, but toys.

What is a flatline paintball gun barrel?

It's a barrel for Tippmann paintball guns and only Tippmann guns. It specializes in a flat trajectory, though suffers in accuracy. How it works is it adds backspin to the paintball therefore shooting it in a flat trajectory. Tippmann argues that the barrel adds range and while it is true that the paintball is in the air longer than a standard barrel the problem is that because of the backspin the paintball looses speed as it goes, so right around there a paintball from a standard barrel hits the ground is where a paintball from a flatline becomes useless as well as it will not have enough speed to break on anything.