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No, they aren't... They are made by the company "Battle Tested" (not Ben Tippmann). However the Tippmann 98 and BT 4 are nearly internally identical.

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Q: Are BT paintball guns made by tippmann?
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Will a bt4 handle fit on a tippmann a5 paintball gun?

No. The Tippmann handle is screwed on from the bottom, where the bt is held on s rail.

What skock fits the bt bt-4 paintball gun?

The Bt 4 requires a specific stock to stay on the gun. Therefore a Tippmann stock will not work. However, Trinity as well as BT themselves have produced stocks for the BT 4 that will fit and are cost effective.

Where might someone find paintball guns for sale?

paintball markers (guns) can be purchase at a paintball pro-shop, Wal-Mart/other sports stores or on the internet. Google can be used to find good online stores.,, and are great low cost sites to buy from.

Will the tippmann a5 handle fit on bt4 paintball gun?

No It uses a screw on the top that goes into the a5, the bt4 uses a rail system. Besides the Bt-4 already comes with a better hand-grip then the A5.

Will an electronic Trigger Frame for Tippmann A-5 go on a bt 4 combat?


Can a tippmann x7 response trigger work on a bt omega 2012 version?

No, it will not fit.

Can a Tippmann E-Grip Selector Switch Electronic be installed on a bt delta?

No, they have different screw dimensions.

What is the paintball gun that senior Chang has?

A painted BT TM-15

Is the BT Omega paintball gun automatic?

only if you buy the electric trigger.

What is a good site that has a good BT paintball marker builder?

sakworldpaintball. There are no flash builders like the opsgear a5 builder for bt products

What kind of paintball marker that is 250 or less and good and easily customizable and looks real but not tippmann?

you're asking for the perfect gun, and it doesn't exist. There are Guns for 250 that are good and perform well: Azodin BLitz Pro slg Smart Parts Vibe SP1 And theres guns that "look real" or customizable for milsim: BT-4 Delta RAP4/PCS - US-5 AK47 RAP4/PCS US-5 M4 Carbine T68 Tactical Carbine There are none in both categories. Also all Tippman's are great for customization

What are the best paintball companies from 1-10?

Firstly, this depends on what kind of paintball you play, and what kind of gun you want to get. Most speedball companies do not make scenario markers, and most woodsball companies do not have excellent speedball guns. Even in Speedball, a poppet vs spool valved marker would change the order of best companies a lot However, There is a general consensus that there are around 5 companies that provide the Markers for the professionals, and in no particular order they are: Planet Eclipse Dye Luxe Bob Long Angel Some of the top Scenario/ woodsball marker companies are: Rap4 BT Tippmann