

Do black people play paintball

Updated: 10/20/2022
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14y ago

Best Answer quit being racist! They are people like us.

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Q: Do black people play paintball
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Related questions

How many people play paintball in Canada?

people who play paintball play because some of them want to be in the military or law enforcement or to experience paintball

Where do people play paintball?

At paintball facilities, or their own property.

Where did people play paintball?

I'm guessing you're asking, "Where DO* people play paintball. You can play paintball anywhere from a public field to out in the woods behind your house. It can be played basically anywhere that you can find stuff to hide behind.

How many people per gender play paintball?

There are millions of people who play paintball. Although there tends to be more male players than female.

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How many people paintball in Canada?

There is no way of really knowing because more and more people start to play paintball each day.

How many people ages from 14 to 22 that play paintball?

I know tons of people that play paintball from ages 14 i started at 12, I'm now 17, and majority of people i know that play are anywhere from 14 to 40. Paintball is that kind of sport, if you find your too old to run change playing positions:) -shanie

How many people can play per game in paintball?

As many as you want.

Where do paintball players play at?

paintball fields or on their property.

Can a 10 year old play on a paintball tournament?

No, you must be 11 to play paintball in the US.

What should you wear to play paintball if you dont have paintball gear?

You have to go to a licensed field and rent equipment. You MUST have a paintball specific mask to play. No welding helmets, riot helmets, sunglasses, air soft goggles, ski goggles, ballistic goggles, Only paintball specific masks. Other then that, many people just play in jeans and a tshirt.

How counties play paintball?

I don't know how many counties, but ove 100 countries play paintball.