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It all depends on their height weight and natural strength but when starting it is usually best to go with light weight and high reps.

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Q: When lifting weights as a child what pound of weight should they start at.?
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When should a child be allowed to begin lifting free weights?

When they are 15 years old and can confidently use the correct technique.

Does working out without weights such as push ups pull ups sit ups etc. stunt a child's growth And at what age is it okay for them to begin lifting weights?

All of the above exercises are ideal for a child who is looking to develop his/her strength in regard to sports or other physical activities. Strictly speaking there are no age limitations for youth strength training. I would suggest that once your child is able to participate in organised sports such as football etc, then they should be able to begin lifting. (If your child can follow instructions and is mature enough to know that weight lifting can be dangerous.) Make sure to emphasise proper technique and slow range of movement, rather than the weight of the bar. This will help to reduce the risk of overusage injuries. Oh and to answer your initial question about the child's growth being stunted. There are no known cases of strength training causing a child's growth to be stunted. As long as you steer clear of performance enhancing drugs.

What weighs more a child weighing 130 pounds dead weight or 130 pound weights?

130 pound weights would weigh more than a child weighing 130 pounds dead weight because the weights are objects with a fixed weight regardless of being lifted, whereas the weight of a child can fluctuate depending on factors like movement or position.

Does weight lifting in young children cause arm bone problems?

Depends on how young the child is.

Is it true that doing weight training when your body is still growing as a teenager will disturb or slow your growth?

I asked my son pediatrician this question and he told me that this is a myth. Weight lifting is not different than other kind of sports. It is important to adjust the weights and the exercise-tools to the size of the child/teen to prevent injuries.

Can working out stunt a child's growth?

no complete opposite actually so my answer NO WAY :):):):):):)

What age of child on average weights 50 lbs?

A child who is around 8 years old would weigh 50 pounds. The weight depends on the gender of the child and their height.

What is the maximum weight a man can legally lift?

Weight lifting is not illegal, but the most weight ever lifted was by Louis Cyr. He lifted 4,175lbs onto his back.

Is lifting weights bad for 13 year olds?

Because of the skeletal immaturity of a 13-year-old, it is not advisable that they train with weights. My recommendation is to play regular sports to develop all-around fitness, plus coordination, and wait until age sixteen (or fifteen at least).

Will you stop growing if you lift weights?

That depends- if you are eating protein and keeping healthy then your muscles will grow. But muscles being heavier than fat, its actually possible for an overweight person to get smaller yet gain weight. Of course it all depends on how much you work out too. And if a child gets too much exercise or does too much weight-bearing, it can actually stunt growth - growth plates in the bones are not made for constant heavy exertion and will be damaged, causing pain and also taking some amount off the height the child would have been as an adult. But in an average situation with a healthy adult who is trying to get muscular instead of lose weight, weight lifting will add bulk to your body's frame.

How much should a 9-year-old child weigh?

There is no particular weight that a 9-year-old child should weigh. Weight is related to height and body composition rather than age. For information about weight in relation to height, and to see the distribution of weights and heights of children at various stages, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How much should a 9 year child weigh?

There is no particular weight that a 9-year-old child should weigh. Weight is related to height and body composition rather than age. For information about weight in relation to height, and to see the distribution of weights and heights of children at various stages, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.