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Depends on how young the child is.

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Q: Does weight lifting in young children cause arm bone problems?
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Can laughing while lifting weights cause testicular problems?

Not unless you drop a weight on them while laughing.

Does Heavy weight-lifting cause memory loss?

Simply- Of course not.

Can long term lifting cause ulnar nevre damages?

Can? It might be possible but it's unlikely. Back problems are related to lifting.

Does lifting heavy weights help to gain body mass or gain weight?

Cause you get stronger and thatputs on weight

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They cause the same problems American kids. Cause

Does weight lifting cause more testosterne?

Yesss Do Exercises Like Squats And Deadlifts.

Does weight lifting stop growth of adolescents?

Excessive weight lifting and working out can cause growth deficiencies in adolescents, yes. However working out in moderation is fine and can help muscle and growth development.

Does lifting weight cause growth problems?

No. It helps it. Weight lifting can cause growth problems. When lifting weight, it causes the muscles to expand and get bigger. When muscles gets too large here's where the problem starts because the needs to grow while to muscles expand so that's why weight lifters try to maintain that. There's something also called Vital capacity which is very important for weight lifters to consider and know what to do. It can if you lift to much and overdo it. There is in fact no evidence that weightlifting can stunt growth. This is a common misconception that stems from the belief that weightlifting increases hormone levels, which it does, but only by a negligible amount. This belief caused people to think that the raised hormone levels would cause the premature closure of the growth plates. This is not a worry as the very small difference in hormone levels caused by weightlifting will in no way affect your growth.

what are the two other ways incorrect lifting can cause problems?

Incorrect lifting can cause problems by straining the muscles and ligaments, leading to injuries such as sprains and strains. It can also put excessive stress on the spine, leading to back pain and potential long-term damage to the vertebral discs.

Is weight lifting good for you?

YES! Lifting weights makes you stronger, and builds muscle. The additional muscle will cause your body to burn more calories all day long. You will also feel better and be more confident in life.

Can budgies cause chest problems in children?

No. Why would they?

Does thyroid problems can cause weight gain or loss and fatigue?

An over active thyroid can cause weight loss an underactive thyroid can cause weight gain