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The squat is a lower-body exercise in weight training, which is also used as a lift in powerlifting. The main emphasis is on the quadriceps muscle group, and on the glutes (buttocks), but it also involves the hamstrings, the calves and the lower back. The squat is often called "the king of exercises" because it "is capable of inducing more and faster muscle growth than any other exercise" (Dr. Fred Hatfield).

The squat is performed by squatting down with a weight held across the upper back, and then standing up straight again. Proper technique is critical, otherwise serious injuries can occur. The back must be kept straight�not rounded�otherwise excess strain will be placed on the lower back. Lifting belts are often used to help support the lower back.

Experts are divided on how squats can be done safely. Some believe the squat must not go too deep, i.e. beyond the point where the thighs are parallel to the floor, otherwise excess strain will be placed on the knees. Others believe that thighs actually touching calves is acceptable, provided the knees do not travel farther forward than the toes. Still others believe that the knees may travel slightly past the toes. It does seem well agreed upon that the knees should not travel more than a few inches beyond the toes, and that they should stay in line with the toes, not buckling inwards or outwards.

The feet should be flat on the floor, with even distribution of weight between the heel and the ball of the foot. Individuals without sufficient ankle flexibility may try putting a board beneath the heels to artificially improve their flexibility. Similarly, a wedge shaped board may be used, allowing the entire foot to remain in contact with a single surface, improving stability over the first technique. Both methods are a short-term fix and require that regular stretching and a full range of motion should be employed to maintain and increase flexibility to the desired levels with the ultimate desire that the board's use be eliminated. In the sport of Weightlifting, a specifically designed squat shoe that has a heel elevated by an encased wooden block is commonly worn.

Heavy barbell squats are best performed in the presence of one or more spotters, who can safely return the barbell to the squat rack at the end of the set if the weight trainer is unable to do so.

The squat has a number of variants, which include:

* The barbell squat.

* The Smith machine squat.

* In the hack squat, the barbell is held just behind the legs.

* The pistol squat, a freestanding one-legged squat where the non-lifting leg is held straight ahead.

* The split squat, an assisted one-legged squat where the non-lifting leg is placed, at the ankle, on a knee-high platform behind the lifter.

* In the overhead squat, the barbell is held overhead at full extension in a wide-arm snatch grip.

* In the front squat, the weight is held across the upper chest.

* The dumbbell squat, with dumbbells either positioned in parallel near the shoulders, or hanging at the sides.

* The Hindu squat is a squat done without weight where the heels are raised and the weight is placed on the toes. The knees track far past the toes. This is a controversial exercise, and it criticized for being damaging, evidencing the knee problems historically experienced by Indian wrestlers who did hundreds daily.

Individuals who find that they cannot safely perform the squat are advised to try the leg press instead.

The leg press is a weight training exercise in which the individual pushes a weight away from them using their legs. The term leg press also refers to the apparatus used to perform this exercise. The leg press can be used to evaluate an athlete's overall lower body strength.

There are two main types of leg press:

* The diagonal or vertical 'sled' type leg press. Cast iron weight disks (plates) are attached directly to the sled, which is mounted on rails. The user sits below the sled and pushes it upward with their feet. These machines normally include adjustable safety brackets that prevent the user from being trapped under the weight. A common mistake is to allow the sled to move all the way down, which may strain the knees and lower back. It should be lowered only until the knees are bent at a right angle.

* The 'cable' type leg press, or 'seated leg press', commonly found on multigyms. The user sits upright and pushes forward with their feet onto a plate that is attached to the weight stack by means of a long steel cable.

Muscle groups

The leg press works the following muscle groups:

* Quadriceps

* Hamstrings

* Gluteus maximus

Varying the angle between the sled and the backrest and/or the position of the feet on the plate puts more emphasis on one or the other muscle group.

Being a compound exercise, the leg press is unquestionably more effective than isolation exercises like the leg extension or the leg curl. It is in turn less effective than the squat, which works the muscles of the lower back as well. Due to the safety concerns associated with the squat, however, the leg press is often used as the primary lower body exercise.

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