It depends how mature the 13 year old is, but at this age a lot of growing is happening, and the bones tend to be softer, so i would recommend lifting not heavy weights for muscle mass but more lighter weights for muscle tone.
Bodybuilding is a very safe sport for teenagers. Done properly bodybuilding can be very beneficial for the health and maturation of teenagers. There is a lot of contraversy surrounding the idea of teenagers training for muscular hypertrophy, that it can stunt your growth and encourage Arthritis in older age. These however are all untrue if training is performed properly.
Like any sport bodybuilding too has dangers. Overtraining is a major factor in inexperienced lifters and can cause injury and atrophy in the muscles. This can be avoided simply by consuming adequate nutrition and getting adequate rest.
Lifting weights as a preteen can be very dangerous.Since it can lead to issues in growth patterns. It is suggested to stick to machines as a young teen.
Yes. Straining while lifting weights is dangerous for anyone, male or female, regardless of age. If you're straining or having trouble keeping the weights under control, you're lifting too much weight.
Lifting weights
Lifting weights is an exercise
yes he could hurt him self
No, you do not count the weight of the bar when lifting weights.
No, lifting weights does not have the potential to make you shorter.
Lifting weights = subject builds muscles = predicate
it just means lifting weights that is not on a machine like using a curl bar
This answer depends on your diet. If you continue to consume the same amount of calories after you quit lifting, then yes you may get fat. Lifting weights burns calories and muscles need these calories to build more muscle. If you quit lifting weights, your body no longer needs as many calories. Also, your metabolism will slow after you quit lifting weights. Now, if you quit lifting weights and also cut calories, you will not get fat.
it's the feeling you get after lifting weights where everything feels lighter and werid. not only after lifting weights but also putting leg weights on etc.
Lifting weights.