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Q: Is a 200 lb. bench press a good lift?
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How much pound should a 16 year lift?

a 16 year old should be lifting in his bench press around 150 and 200 pounds, if you bench within these numbers than your in pretty good shape. But if were talking about squating it should be around 200 threw 250 pounds , but most 16 year olds barely squat as much as bench.

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Osteen is a Buck Fifty soaking wet (150 lbs). The claim that he can bench 300 lbs is greatly exaggerated. He can lift maybe bench 200 on a smith machine....that would equate to somewhere between 150 and 175 lb on a regular bench press. Still not bad for a petite man, but a far cry from a massive 300 lbs.

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Im 16 years old 6 foot exactly and i can bench 200pounds is this above average or what?

well you're above average that you can bench press 200 pounds. that's really good.

If you want really nice pecs and you do about 200 push ups a day will that give you nice pecs?

Yes it will but increase the amount you do to make them more defined and make sure you have good form. Or you could bench press. But push ups alone won't give you pecs. they will only tone your pecs. to build mass you should lift weights: flyes, bench press with barbell and dumbell, etc.

What percentage of women can bench press 200 pounds?

I am 19 years old and I am pressing 220 lbs, but I am a man, I think the percent of woman that can press 200 is about 4 procent,.

What bones are stronger?

I'm pretty sure your legs are stronger. Because I can bench about 200 pounds, and I can lift 400 pounds with my legs.

Is being able to lift half your weight a good thing?

No, not really. But it depends upon the exercise really, bench press you should usually be doing your body weight. Deadlift, probably twice your weight. Power clean around 150 - 200. If you are in great shape. And squat should be. About the weight of your deadlift minus about 100 pounds

What is an above average bench press?

There are several factors. A persons body weight and age are a pretty good indicator. This is very general of course. To be a good bench presser its usually a matter of simple practice and technique. However if you can rep your own weight you are most likely above average. If you can max out at 100lbs past your weight thats also a good indicator your pretty strong. Ex: 175 body weight x 10 or 275 at one rep max.

What bench press minimum should you have to get recruited by division 1 football programs?

depends on if yoy want varsity it would be 200

I weigh about 175 to 180 lbs I am 6'2 188 cm at age 17 How much should I be able to bench press and curl with ONE arm 10 reps each?

okay,. none of that really matters, there are guys out there that are 150 that can bench over 200 pounds and guys out there that are 300 pounds that coulde barely lift 100 pounds. Its all about your training and nutrition.